Online Product Merchandizing

The requirements of how products are merchandized on Asian marketplaces and websites are significantly different from other global e-commerce stores or marketplaces.

We work with our brand clients and build enticing and conversion-driven Product Detail Pages (PDP’s) for them. This is a key differentiator to build strong sales on marketplaces:

  • Adapt to specific categorization and product attribute system of each marketplace
  • Manage the variations of size/color for each style to optimize shoppers’ experience
  • Generate or produce additional images for each key product (usually requires 6-10 images for each product) to make its PDP commercially competitive
  • We adapt to marketplaces that have specific photo requirements: e.g. hang tag, washing label, shoe-on-a-shoe-box photo
  • Captions and further descriptions is recommended on JPG/PNG image
  • Call to action on PDP’s
  • Add copywriting and Unique Selling Points (USP’s) to PDP’s for key products

Automated PDP Generation

We developed advanced tools to automate the PDP generation process on selected marketplaces (e.g. Tmall), which allows complex product merchandizing process to be done at speed and in high quality.

This increases operation efficiency and price accuracy, especially during major promotion seasons.

Inventory Planning and Reporting

Inventory planning plays a key role in sales growth of any online store. Our system provides regular inventory analysis reports to both our brand clients and our internal operation teams.

These reports includes product move rates and replenishment suggestions. Our store operation team uses these reports to give useful advice to our brand clients on short-term and long-term inventory planning.

Good inventory planning is particularly important on marketplaces before major promotion seasons, which not only generates more sales but also benefits product ranking and store ranking. Our extensive experience and data analytics capabilities enables our brand clients to make good and timely decisions on inventory.

We also advise our brand client on product bundling, gift-with-purchase and other merchandizing and inventory plans that increases sales and basket value.

Building Product Management Excellence

Our purpose is to reduce manual work and simplify the whole online merchandizing process. Our proprietary PDP Automation System is designed to:

  • Create and upload thousands of products within minutes (otherwise, it would take over 45 minutes of manual work to build a PDP with same quality).
  • Manage price change during promotions
  • Manage product lifecycle (publish, amend, take down)

Talk to our experts in online merchandizing experts to improve your online sales in Asia. Send “Tell me about Merchandizing” to, and we will reply to you promptly.